kasahorow Yoruba

Lati Wo

kasahorow Sua, date(2015-6-15)-date(2024-11-28)

Add "wo" in Yoruba to your vocabulary.
wo, act

Examples of wo
Usage: o nwo

Simple Present 1 2+
1 mo nwo awa nwo
2 o nwo ẹ nwo
3 ohun nwo (f.)
ohun nwo (m.)
wọn nwo

Yoruba Dictionary Series 12

wo in other languages
  1. What is wo? _____________
  2. Qu'est-ce que wo? _____________
  3. Was ist wo? _____________
  4. Dɛn nye wo? _____________
#wo #mo #awa #o # #ohun #ohun #wọn
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